

Burn Baby Burn – The Rise of Mega Fires

To burn or not to burn? That is the question fire ecologist Paul Hessburg poses to audiences in small towns across the western United States. I photographed him for a Weather Channel feature story, Oregon Megafire Man, in John Day, Oregon.  There he spoke about the rise of Mega Fires in the western United States, and what we can do to combat them. Paul [...]

Waiting for Care – Dondon Haiti Medical Clinic

Waiting for care is a photographic essay of people waiting to be treated at a one day mobile medical clinic in the village of Dondon, Haiti.  All the photographs were taken on November 9th, 2011.  This collection of 13 images has recently been accepted to the Social Documentary website, dedicated to using the power of photography to promote global awareness. Living in abject poverty and lacking access to basic healthcare, over a thousand [...]

By |2018-01-24T01:59:52-08:00October 1st, 2013|haiti, healthcare, photojournalism|0 Comments