My initial perspective was too limited. Then I laid on the floor and everything changed. What began as a struggle became remarkable when I remembered to think like a photographer. It’s a way of looking at the world that can expand your success in business and life.
Perspective and focus are the key. On assignments, the questions in the forefront of my mind are what different perspectives can I look at this from, and what other places can I focus my attention to achieve better results.
It’s easy to limit our attention to fixed ways of looking and fixed ways of doing. A perspective paralysis that locks in a certain way of thinking at the expense of all others. It’s a common trap to fall in that I know all too well.
To be remarkable, innovative, and stay on top of your game, ask yourself the same questions photographers do.
1. What other perspectives can I look at this from?
2. Is this the best place to focus my attention, or are there other options?
3. Is there a better way to achieve better results.
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